• President Zelenskyy addressed members of Parliament in the House of Commons Chamber via video link.
  • Image: ©UK Parliament/Mark Crick. ... should be able to operate “virtually” if the UK “is still in the grip of the coronavirus crisis” at the time the House is due to return on 21 April.
  • [UK Parliament] - Registration of bills - [Регистрация законопроектов].
  • When Montenegro declared independence 13 days after its 2006 referendum, the Serbia-Montenegro joint parliament consisted only on members appointed by the two...
  • This short video is an introduction to the UK Houses of Parliament, from the work of the House of Commons and the House of Lords, to Parliament's history, art and architecture.
  • parliament_uk - новый блог в Живом Журнале.
  • Великобритания странная коллекция символов давно исчезнувшей империи. Так кажется многим наблюдателям извне. Королева, пэры, судьи в париках, вороны...
  • https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2018-03-14/debates/071C37BB-DF8F-4836-88CA-66AB74369BC1/SalisburyIncidentFurtherUpdate.
  • andrewducker - новый блог в Живом Журнале. Скоро здесь появится много интересных записей.