• Open Source File Synchronization! This account served occasionally by @jakobborg.
  • A prescindere da come la si pensa politicamente, uno non può che congratularsi con docenti e studenti che promuovo riflessione e dibattito su questioni cruciali come la crisi migratoria http...
  • ICYMI: Scientists progress toward plasma acceleration: http://symmetrymagazine.org/article/november-2014/scientists-progress-toward-plasma-acceleration…
  • Please meet the Physical Environmental Group working in the KAGRA Control Room (Japan), with the NEWS researchers Camilla, Irene, Francesca and Federico from Virgo (Italy) and also collaborators from LIGO (US) (NEWS, GA 734303, http...
  • The LUNA experiment observed a rare nuclear reaction that occurs in giant red stars http://infn.it/comunicazione/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=757:the-puzzle-of-the-origin-of-elements-in-the-universe&catid=43&Itemid=883&lang=it…