• Director and founder of CharityWatch An independent voice for ethics and transparency in the nonprofit sector since 1992.
  • CharityWatch DONOR TIP:'100% to Program' Claims Confuse Donors: CharityWatch has been warning donors for more than a decade to not fall for this #fundraising tactic.
  • (Link). Мне иногда страшно подумать, каких размеров счет этим людям предъявят на том свете.
  • В связи с широким жестом Марка Цукерберга, подарившего 99% своих активов, слышал сегодня сетования французов, мол, а мы? не слишком ли мы жадные?
  • ...its commitment to establishing long-term, sustainable and viable programs and services, and the independent ratings of agencies like CharityWatch.org and CharityNavigator.org.
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  • The Huffington Post has an article with several different links on how to help. http...