• EOS Block Producers’ decision to freeze seven accounts that were linked to phishing scams has led to backlash on Twitter.
  • The first block explorer for EOS has launched! http://eostracker.io can be used to view information about blocks, transactions and accounts on the public testnet. http://ift.tt/2DIpZsu #EOS $EOS.
  • Ups, I have to put http://eostracker.io & http://walleteos.com.
  • Три дня назад Block Producer StartEOSioBP выиграл первый аукцион премиум-класса под названием «EOS» с выигрышной ставкой 50 000 EOS или 441 500 долларов США. http://eostracker.io/actions/3251137.
  • Mira Tweets sobre #newblockchain en Twitter. Mira lo que dice la gente y únete a la conversación.