• www.volksusa.com. So, what do you now that you have selected the perfect wig, the gothiest outfit, and painted the face the way you like it?
  • http://www.volksusa.com/dollfie.html - одни друзья заказывали через московского посредника, другие - сами.
  • I can't sleep. It's my fault, we went out last night and I had coffee at like 10pm. What was I thinking? lol It's now 4am and I've been tossing and turning ever since. But it's funny, you...
  • Ok my birthday is coming up(July 1) and I already know I'm going to Anime Expo in California xD the first time a Anime Con that starts on my birthday.
  • Just saving some links! — 0.
  • So, I won both Yo outfits (boy and girl) and the SD16 Victorian Noir Set (which I hope fits one of the 70cm because I suspect it will be too large for Shuichi)...
  • And for your viewing pleasure a list of more links XD.