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  • Устроил себе "личный переход" некоторое… nel1ga.
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  • He told me he was first into Paris and by God he wanted to be first into Berchtesgaden.
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  • The first thing that greets him, when he finally stumbles his way through the last return node, is the smell.
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  • miyocca - новый блог в Живом Журнале. Скоро здесь появится много интересных записей.
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  • He supposed he should be grateful; he shouldn't be capable of moving at all.
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  • D:), he got his first taste of the big leagues in April 2014, when he was invited to Wednesday Night Fights, a southern California E-sports community, where he was pitted against one of the best players at the time, Alex Valle (~yay, another Alex~ ^^).
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  • Junmyeon got his first kiss when he was fourteen.
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  • Back then he was lax about proper credits and I don't feel comfortable about working with things of others and not giving them credit.
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  • First, he ate his usual fare, meat and potatoes with some greens like most any Iowa boy, but by the second week, the vegetables started to have a rotten tasted to them.
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