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  • There has been some amusement on Twitter about a blog post from Microsoft offering their security auditing services to ccTLDs . This is laughable from the DNS point of view, but fairly plausible if you consider a registry's web front end. So I though...
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  • If this type of authorization does not work for you, convert your account using the link. ... Black fish, Blue fish, Old fish, New fish.
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  • Title: Written in the Stars Fandom: Harry Potter Characters/Pairings: Remus/Sirius Rating: PG for Language and Mild Violence Word Count: 7,471 Author’s Note: Written for rs_games Team Sirius with the prompt.
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  • Bootfitting for the HEAD Raptor 130 RS - this is a very interesting post.
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  • 20) mundungus42 , Down the Ferret Hole (PG-13) 9,284 words Publish Date: 11/16/05 Genres: General, Adventure, Humor Alt Link: http...
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  • SMTP to HTTP. Лекс, ты же читаешь мой журнал - вот я тебя и спрашиваю на страницах оного: напомни, пожалуйста, линк на эту програмку.
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  • Instagram media by fishing_kuban - Сводка за 18.05.2016г; Сообщает: @sergey_zavert Место: пруды "Биг Фиш", ст.Ивановская; Наживка: бойлы клубника; Цена: 700руб/чел; Почему на "БигФиш" всегда цена разная?
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