• RAINN (Rape, Abuse, Incest, National, Network) Phone number is 1800-656 –hope web site is – www.rainn.org their site is very helpful, for those not ready to talk to someone on...
  • We'd love it if you could stop in and support the no-kill Animal Shelter (and keeping me awake :P) by going and commenting, posting links and banners in your own journal/site...
  • mokiablogathon - новый блог в Живом Журнале. Скоро здесь появится много интересных записей.
  • Someone gave me an idea to set up a list of links and crisis numbers (the idea spawned out of a particular discussion of Rape on an internet forum), so I thought I'd go back to my...
  • If this type of authorization does not work for you, convert your account using the link.
  • I spent too long on this post to a Facebook friend, in the context of a discussion about trans-women in public restrooms, so it's getting reposted here: You aren't going to be a...
  • Shop from there, and a portion of your total will be donated to RAINN, a very good charity, particularly close to my heart.
  • Введение Предмет, задачи и проблематика курса, его хронологические рамки. Общая характеристика этапов новейшей истории. Новые подходы к оценке основных...
  • На этой недел писал для одного сайта обзорную статью про Кристину Риччи (да, разумеется, про кого я еще могу писать!). Разумеется, в поисках всевозможной...
  • I am asking you to make a donation, either to RAINN or to your local rape crisis center.