• I am a women who's hardworking,educated, loving,a mom,a wife, and womens rights activist...
  • http://www.nwhm.org/education-resources/biography/bio.. В 1941 г вышла замуж за театрального режиссёра и коммунистского активиста Карла Лернера...
  • Source: www.nwhm.org/education-resources/biograp hy/biographies/mary-garrett-hay/. Days of Love: Celebrating LGBT History One Story at a Time by Elisa Rolle Paperback...
  • 3. Pay a virtual visit to the online National Women's History Museum (nwhm.org), a site dedicated to illuminating the role of women in transforming society.
  • Here is a brief list of the top ten online museums that the students can visit virtually as a part of their field trip while sitting within the classroom; 1. National Portrait Gallery...
  • http://www.nwhm.org/ProgressiveEra/wctupictures.html. Шли в Крестовый поход за Трезвость. Вот три трезвокрестоноски ведут осаду салуна...