• Jock Doubleday’s $75,000 vaccine offer http://www.ctrl.org/graphicHome/CTRLhome.html http://www.vaclib.org/links/jockslinks.htm http...
  • Any time fundamental rights are put into legislation to be stripped away from its' constituents, every citizen should be extremely alarmed and cautious....
  • 01.29.09 3:34p Comments (48) | me too (4) I chuckle under my breath when the other moms in my playgroup discuss how they would *never* let their children play with an...
  • http://vaclib.org/intro/howmanyb4six2011.htm Очень полезный сайт с ликбезом по вакцинам и вакцинации.
  • If this type of authorization does not work for you, convert your account using the link.
  • Link to information of vaccine adverse events.
  • http://www.vaclib.org/toc.htm#ingredientsThis to me is alarming, and we need to pass this on to every expecting mother.
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  • “From the mere suggestion that a vaccine could have a potential link with adverse outcomes, a war was waged against these distinguished physicians and researchers...
  • На сегодняшний день существует тенденция наживы владельцев крупных фармацевтических и пищевых концернов, так называемых транснациональных...
  • If you are not doing something controversial, you are not doing something important. Michael Skinner 1. Одной из процедур, которой подвергается почти каждый ребенок...
  • ...www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/flu.htm http://chetday.com/noflushots.htm http://www.vaclib.org/basic/fluindex.htm http
  • It is estimated that 40 million people in the world are currently living with AIDS and numbers of new infections are on the rise. http://www.vaclib.org/news/donstalk.htm.