• Integrated online tools to support authentic research and original writing in K-12 & upper education, paired with teaching units and offline expert assistance.
  • Creating an Annotated Bibliography - NoodleTools How do I create an annotated bibliography using NoodleTools ...
  • hey logan .. heres the site http://www.noodletools.com/login.php its using the MLA format.. im assuming thats what were using??? .. tim gave me the site...
  • http://www.noodletools.com/cgi-bin/bib/citwww1.cgi?Author=&Title=Western+Hemisphere+Travel+Iniative+Introduced...
  • And now, to wrap up my series of SMOG Blogs, heres a look at the other novella that comes with Smog in JournalStones Double Down #2 . Eric Guignards Baggage of Eternal...
  • В трех группах на первом курсе я веду информатику. Народ там очень продвинутый, компьютер знают хорошо. Поэтому я не мучила их созданием папок и прочей...
  • If you want to see who has chosen what, click on the link that says read.
  • First of all, this link is to part of the Annenburg Website and provides a bunch of great stuff for middle school teachers.
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