• New ActionAid research shows that #G20 countries may be losing as much as $32bn annually in taxes from just five of the world’s largest tech companies.
  • ActionAid International Kenya builds solidarity with people living in poverty & exclusion to achieve basic rights & dignity for all.
  • 7 июн 2012 в 18:20. Сайт организации по защите прав человека Actionaid.org создал серию рекламных принтов и роликов «Динамики» в которых, каждый, нуждающийся...
  • put a bag over his deliciously gorgeous head b/c i am not paying attention to the issue at hand (**smacks head**). srsly, will check out link =).
  • Ниже -вакансии в международных экпедициях.Кому надоели слезы Путина и отечественные политические бури в фонтане -вилкам.) Training Opportunities...
  • ...pregnancy and childbirth http://www.supportafricainternational.com/en/about/contribution? https://support.actionaid.org.uk/store/checkout_dd.asp?prod_id=24.
  • A total of £160,000 was raised in an unforgettable night of food, wine and dupes, all to ensure ActionAid can continue its work around the world.
  • Higher Education funding Bodies in the UK: http://www.adm.heacademy.ac.uk/links/funding-bodies.
  • Link roundup: law, homelessness, child protection. ... The links are also handy for anyone who works in child protection in Australia, or deals with homeless people.
  • ActionAid Офис азиатского региона mail.asia@actionaid.org Европейский офис brussels@actionaid.org.
  • New kids aren't welcome in these here parts. Also, hey. A story about a unique village in rural Ethiopia, founded by an illiterate farmer, whose mission is to promote women's rights...
  • у меня есть девочка, которой я помогаю жить. Её зовут Закия и она из Афганистана. Мы с ней переписываемся и скоро мне прийдет новое письмо от нее с...
  • In my sphere of charity knowledge, I know ActionAid and Christian Aid have both had campaigns to tackle tax dodging this year. (see their websites; http...