• websudoku.com. Joined July 2009.
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  • http://www.websudoku.com/ Весь мир играет в эту японскую игру. Заполни квадраты.
  • I'm a big fan of Top Chef and the concept of presenting a protein or other component multiple ways (ie Pork Three Ways) has come up a few times recently. Well, Sudoku...
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  • Yes, my name is Gen, and I am an addict. I am addicted to an insidiously evil, masochistic and insanely fun number game that is sweeping the nation faster than Meth: Sudoku!
  • The purpose of the site is to provide a collection point for materials (stories, histories, photographs, lists, maps, links, etc...
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  • I've printed a block of 50 difficult puzzles from websudoku.com - I will do timed solves and post the puzzle IDs and times here.
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