• NPL is the UK’s National Metrology Institute, providing the measurement capability that underpins the UK's prosperity and quality of life.
  • News and updates from the Press Office at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), the UK's National Metrology Institute.
  • Для сертифицированных курсов по окончании печатный сертификат. Подробности и контакты - https://training.npl.co.uk/sector/e-learning-courses/.
  • www.npl.co.uk. crosspost from: http://www.3dnews.ru/news/uchshnie_slepili_samogo_malenkogo_v_mire_snegovika.
  • Find out more about the technologies used in the making of this snowman in real-world applications: http://www.npl.co.uk/educate-explore/nano-snowman/ The snowman is 10...
  • http://www.world-nuclear.org/education/phys.htm. http://www.kayelaby.npl.co.uk/atomic_and_nuclear_physics/4_7/4_7_1.html.
  • Expectation for 2NE1 s comeback, leaving just one day now, is heightening as fans and experts who participated in 2NE1s showcase premier THE LISTENING are raving about...
  • my_pet_junkie - новый блог в Живом Журнале. Скоро здесь появится много интересных записей.