• I wish someone had written this for me before I visited Rome. If you know a friend going to Italy, send them a link to this article. They'll love you for it. #italytravel https...
  • favorite in a taxi, источник: www.tripadvisor.com.au These are the best places for budget-friendly taxis & shuttles in Melbourne: Hop It · Chauffeur Link Melbourne · Australian Bus...
  • For more details about this tour and booking, click here: http://walksofitaly.com/borghese-gallery Subscribe to our channel for more videos like this, and if you visit Italy...
  • Интересно, что одним из моих самых ярких впечатлений в последней поездке по Италии, были руины древнеГРЕЧЕСКОГО города Посейдония (Пестум, лат. Paestum).
  • Равиоли с начинкой из тыквы. Фото walksofitaly.com.