• Gloucester City FC, Liverpool FC. We can disagree without hate! Its just opinions so chill...
  • Donate here, anything will go straight into the wage budget https://gofund.me/cfcfc37c http://thecityopenforum.co.uk/showthread.php…
  • You even get fed for free!! http://thecityopenforum.co.uk/showthread.php…
  • Being a part of football is special, embrace and enjoy the moment as it passes fast.
  • Donate here, anything will go straight into the wage budget https://gofund.me/cfcfc37c http://thecityopenforum.co.uk/showthread.php…
  • Give it a go, it’s a great day out and if you bring the kids, contact us for a family deal! https://thecityopenforum.co.uk/showthread.php?tid=1531…