• sparknotes.com. Joined April 2008.
  • Later, SparkNotes expanded to provide study guides for a number of other subjects, including math, health, physics, biology, chemistry, economics and sociology.
  • Someone questioned the words used in this recitation. For verification that these are Frost's words, please see these links: http://www.bartleby.com/119/1.html http...
  • Ряд анимационных роликов образовательного портала SparkNotes, который помогает разбираться в сложных темах (там есть, например, раздел No Fear...
  • I was always the one in school that would go into sparknotes.com or other similar sites to figure out what the book was about.
  • Week 6 Blog Question: Part 1: Reflection Now that we're at almost the half-way point in the term, reflect a moment. What has been the most useful or interesting aspect of studying...