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  • To: pretty_boy_@rpg.net From: gerry_b@rpg.net Ian, I know this might seem like an odd topic for an email, but there is something I wanted to ask you and I just couldn't seem to...
  • I promised to link to an RPG.net thread full of basic training stories, but I can't seem to find it now.
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  • Автор: Дмитрий rhunwolf Тэлэри Вот, сделал вам подборочку! Список обновляется, заносите в избранное! ;) Блоги в ЖЖ: Клубмейкер с Дальнего востока...
  • ThirdEyeGames.net - RPG Publisher. And other stuff from Eloy. ... Thanks for the link Pookie!