• навеяно вопросами девушек из разных сообществ. скажите,я одна НЕ пользуюсь противозачаточными ок и ясмин? уже года два как довольна нуворингом. никаких...
  • ...Этинилэстрадиол + Этоногестрел ethinylestradiol + etonogestrel * Аналоги и другие патентован-ные названия: NuvaRing * Владелец регистрационного удостоверения...
  • Here at easy planned parenting we guide you through your journey of parenthood. So stay tuned with us...
  • frog2000 - новый блог в Живом Журнале. Скоро здесь появится много интересных записей.
  • I just typed in the words "Nuvaring Purchase" in the google search box and clicked on the first link.
  • (Link). I don't see why the Nuvaring WOULDN'T be covered through the health plan, since the health plan does have drug benefits, but you might want to talk call the company that...
  • What to do if NuvaRing® is in your vagina too long If NuvaRing® has been left in your vagina for an extra week or less (four weeks total or less), remove it and insert a new...
  • The last 3 days were great, (almost) no leakage and inserting and removing was easy (I already use the Nuvaring (www.nuvaring.com) so I'm kinda used to it) However, today I...
  • So I'd like to know if anyone else has tried the noova ring, and if not I have a link discribing it a bit for the curious.
  • A suggestion would be the nuvaring birth control. I use it because I only have to remember to insert it once a month and it does not interfer with sex at all...
  • you can check out more info at nuvaring.com or the LJ community 'nuvaring' [i'm too tired to look up the html to link directly, sorry].
  • Thank god for my new birth control! Nuvaring.com!