• Outreach for digital content and news. Send your breaking news tips to: lamagonline@lamag.com.
  • lamag.com. Последние записи: В ПЕРУ ПРИЛЕТЕЛИ ХИЩНИКИ И НАЧАЛИ ОХОТУ НА.. Предсказание иллюминатов о трёх мировых войнах!..
  • BuzzFeed’s Maya, Megan, Matt, and Moses go through three drive-thrus to find the best meatless burger. They taste test Carl Jr’s Beyond Famous Star Burger with Cheese...
  • Dir en grey mention on LAMag.com. Los Angeles Magazine mentioned Dir en grey on their online blog regarding their recent live with Apocalyptica. The link is here.
  • Photograph by Jill Greenberg Buzz At the House of Hardwood in West L.A., the actor, who returns to the small screen as Detective Rex Winters in Law Order: Los Angeles...
  • Brandon Hillock (who played Deputy Sacks) has a great article on LAMag.com about his experiences playing Jack Sparrow (from Pirates of the Caribbean) at Disneyland.
  • www.lamag.com/steveerickson/adaptation-j-g-ball... If nothing else, as the doctor in High-Rise, Tom Hiddleston is urbane, with its extra e that supposedly evolves the urban toward...
  • goddesssoma - новый блог в Живом Журнале. Скоро здесь появится много интересных записей.