• Green Mountain Diapers: Snappi Fasteners www.greenmountaindiapers.com.
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  • Sure, you are welcome to make a few of these soakers to sell here and there, and you are welcome to add a link to the pattern to your site.
  • Those Gerber things you linked to aren't what you normally put in pockets, though you can.
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  • A word to native speakers. Pin your diapers on, Lebowski. Jackie Treehorn wants to see you. Jackie Treehorn knows which Lebowski you are. Pin your diapers on, Lebowski.
  • http://www.greenmountaindiapers.com/workhorse.htm.
  • Other than that, I really like www.greenmountaindiapers.com, the lj clothdiapering community (the moms there are frequently selling used diapers or home-made supplies)...