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    #FirefighterWife on a mission to serve marriages and encourage families.
  • firefighterwife.com. Joined December 2012.
  • Connect with women who "get" your life. http://firefighterwife.com/blog/2013/05/13/announcing-our-flame-fest-contest/…
  • Damsel in distress? Warrior suits me much better. Maybe it's all those Highlander and ninja movies I was raised on. No wonder I'm a firefighters wife.
  • Retired Fire Fighter/EMT due to Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) it is a type of cancer that starts in blood-forming cells of the bone marrow...
  • firefighterwife.com. Disarming Your Irritable Sleep Deprived Firefighter - Firefighter Wife. Firefighter's come off duty with very little sleep and irritable moods.