• PHP developer with a passion for modern web frameworks, like Symfony2, Drupal 8 WordPress.
  • Digitalocean'dan 5 $ aylık VPS (centos) alıp, https://github.com/drewsymo/VPN buradaki 2 komutu verince kendi vpn'inizi kurabilirsiniz.
  • How do I view file sizes (KB,MB,GB) with “ls” in Linux? https://drewsymo.com/2016/05/09/how-do-i-view-file-sizes-kbmbgb-with-ls-in-linux/… via.
  • Digitalocean'dan 5 $ aylık VPS (centos) alıp, https://github.com/drewsymo/VPN buradaki 2 komutu verince kendi vpn'inizi kurabilirsiniz.