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  • diogonunes.com. Playwright cheat sheet - The Geeky Gecko. A list of code snippets and examples to implement common automation scenarios in Playwright.
  • diogonunes.com. Oracles (Toolbox #4) - The Geeky Gecko. An oracle is a source of knowledge that improves your testing.
  • diogonunes.com. Requirements (Concepts #5) - The Geeky Gecko.
  • diogonunes.com. Heuristics (Toolbox #2) - The Geeky Gecko. Heuristics are shortcuts to make decisions or pick what to test next.
  • #Charters #Testing #SoftwareDevelopment diogonunes.com Charters (Toolbox #3) - The Geeky Gecko A charter summarises your testing goal and guides your exploration.