• PD/LE on Recettear/Fortune Summoners/This Starry Midnight We Make/Midnight Sanctuary; LE on #SRW30! Portland, Oregon. carpefulgur.com.
  • also because i like any excuse i can get to link to it, i wanna shout out recettear's "closed shop" theme as one of the top 10 "dootiest" music ever made. you'll see what i mean.
  • and that's enough for tonight! will add more as the sale goes on, as ever. gift yourself and your friends! (will also start probably adding links to GOG stuff for some of the more retro...
  • also because i like any excuse i can get to link to it, i wanna shout out recettear's "closed shop" theme as one of the top 10 "dootiest" music ever made. you'll see what i mean.
  • PROJECT FOUR: TRAILS IN THE SKY SC http://carpefulgur.com/drakblog/?p=48.