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  • Фактрум ok.ru. 231K просмотров. 13 фев.
    4 тыс. просмотров
    Опубликовано1 июн 2017
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  • what doesnt kill me, makes me stronger. Jul. 24th, 2023. ... Share. Flag. Link.
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  • That which doesnt kill me , makes me stronger. Mivida Loca. 27. ... The pen in the hand doesnt feel so familiar any more and its the key board I think that can keep up with my scattered thoughts although I think even my fingers have a lag time.
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  • (Link). Да ну хоть что вы со мной делайте, но я не верю, что это Пастернак. Разве что Пастернак лет в 12-13.
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  • 13. ... and here's rich lafave's response to that song.
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  • Опубликовано позавчера
    ru_royalty — 4 место в общем рейтинге.
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  • WhAt DoEsNt KiLl YoU wIlL mAkE yOu StRoNgEr. How come once you find the perfect guy... sweet.. thoughtful..gorgeous.. spoils you.. everything you could ever want it just doesnt work??
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  • Kill Me Now is run by wickedcherub, staralfur and Christina.
  • Про песни из сборника Michael 2010 и про различные аккаунты "близких друзей".
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  • link. ... (Link). hey lush, if you dont end up puking after each practise, you arent working hard enough. at least thats what tanya taught us when she was our coach. i was never one to enjoy the gag reflexes though. much more enjoyable watching others around you puke...
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  • 16 February 2007 @ 12:54 am. which doesnt kill you,only makes you stronger.... comment.
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  • Русский (ru). ... (Link). oh yes. tooooons of catching up to do. i'll be popping in your cheer practice tuesday at like 8 to see ya'll! xoxo.
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  • Опубликовано 5 часов назад
    Remember me. ... грустно cидит в кабине Me 163.
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