• Xitron develops flexible workflow systems and interfaces to drive the prepress industry’s most popular output devices, prolonging our customers’ investments.
  • Email: xitronsales@xitron.com #Navigatorharlequinrip #Version12 #harlequin #harlequinrip #prepress #prepressworkflow #workflow #prepresssoftware...
  • Consider adding #NavigatorWorkflow to your #HarlequinRIP & enjoy bringing all functionality of the RIP to each computer. youtube.com Turn your Harlequin RIP into a...
  • Make sure to visit with Xitron's Pat French while you are there for more information on #prepresssolutions.
  • See Tweets about #navigatorworkflow on Twitter. See what people are saying and join the conversation.
  • Make sure to visit with Xitron's Pat French while you are there for more information on #prepresssolutions.