• ...(darkening of tree bark by smoke) http://truthinscience.org.uk/tis2/index.php/evidence-for-evolution-mainmenu-65/127-the-peppered-moth.html…
  • Последние твиты от As A World We Can (@AsAWorldWeCan). Mission: To raise awareness about the harms of dangers of smoking and second- hand smoking in the world.
  • 1/2 a truth: often a great lie. truthinscience.org.uk.
  • ...reviews from Truth in Science for those willing to challenge the evolutionary status quo http://truthinscience.org.uk/tis2/index.php/textbook-reviews-mainmenu-67.html…
  • Wanted to change the world when i was a kid. Took drugs and drank a lot. Went to work in a shelter aged 22. Working with people experiencing homelessness.
  • Latest article: how simple can life get? http://truthinscience.org.uk/content.cfm?id=3172…