• Tolkien provides a beautiful description of the unique relationship that fathers and sons enjoy: "The link between father and son is not only of the perishable flesh: it must have...
  • Together For Orphans is a developing non-profit seeking to bring awareness for orphans and support to families adopting.
  • togetherforadoption.org. ... TogetherforAdoption Retweeted. J.R.R. Tolkien.
  • Simple: The Life-Changing Power of Our Identity http://togetherforadoption.org/2015/main-page/simple-the-life-changing-power...
  • The Being and Nature of the Unborn Child: A Response to Planned Parenthood and the Atrocity… http://togetherforadoption.org/?p=20173.
  • Pushing for change in your non-profit? Here's the roadmap. Solutions are closer than you think. http://togetherforadoption.org/2015/switch-training-pre-conference/…