• Here's to those who have always seen things differently. CU Perspectives is a fresh ideas site for financial services.
  • iBeacons are coming - and I believe they'll help revolutionize shopping. http://thepu.sh/platforms/ibeacons-looks-bring-consumers-back-stores/ …
  • http://indiegogo.com/projects/tango-pc-worlds-most-powerful-pocketable-dockable-gameable-officeable-pc…
  • A new study suggests video game-playing for less than an hour a day is linked with better-adjusted children and teenagers.
  • Are you thinking what your predictive wearables are thinking? - The Push http://thepu.sh/trends/thinking-predictive-wearables-thinking/… via.
  • Mobile Minute: How wearable tech is changing healthcare http://thepu.sh/trends/mobile-minute-how-wearable-tech-is-changing-healthcare/… via.