• Whatever happens, we all won because we spread the Equality Link to 1000's.
  • ...читать и любишь Гарри Поттера, можешь направить свои таланты на волонтёрство или работу в Accio Books campaign (http://www.thehpalliance.org/accio_books).
  • Today (Saturday January 23), from 2-6pm Eastern time http://www.thehpalliance.org/haiti/. There is autoplay video there currently with a full...
  • Harry Potter fans will not rest until they've out-posted every Twitter-based Twi-hard today — just for meanness’ sake and bragging rights.
  • The record costs $7 and it goes to a wonderful organization which can be found here http://thehpalliance.org/. Visit http://www.myspace.com/ahogwartshalloween or http...
  • lovegoodleague - новый блог в Живом Журнале. Скоро здесь появится много интересных записей.
  • ...000! - http://bit.ly/hpaFTW Where will that money go? http://bit.ly/hpa250 More about the Harry Potter Alliance: http://www.thehpalliance.org/about-us.
  • For Californian Harry Potter Fans...
  • If you have any questions or would like to participate further, please email me at hope@thehpalliance.org.
  • You can post our website, inside jokes, request...s for cabin mates, clever quips or even just a link to our youtube/wrockstocktv site.
  • hazelwillow - новый блог в Живом Журнале. Скоро здесь появится много интересных записей.
  • This last Saturday (1/23/2010) the Harry Potter Fandom came together in a webcast to support Helping Haiti Heal to benefit Partners in Health, a charitable organization that has...
  • Any fans of Harry Potter, True Blood, The Wire, Heroes, Firefly, Mad Men, or just plain helping people should go here: www.thehpalliance.org/haiti/ 4 hour long podcast with...
  • If this type of authorization does not work for you, convert your account using the link.