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  • www.suppressedhistories.net/secret_history/patr... Богиня домашнего очага и огня, горевшего в нем, Веста почиталась как покровительница государства, и огонь...
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  • The Grand Inquisitor of Toulouse, http://www.suppressedhistories.net/secrethistory/inqtoulouse.html Raven Grimassi.
  • Just like Br�s character links her to the smithcraft, healing, and midwifing.
  • So what is the implication of these findings? As Richard Rudgley points out 95% of existence as humans is in pre-historic times. Yet we know so little about this time, it is...
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  • As some of you know, I have a long history in attending a mystery school on Feminine Spirituality. Basically our goal is to uncover the myth and the power of the feminie and...