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  • (Link). У меня под семерку вообще куча портов не собирается, в то время как под 6.2 собиралось всё со свистом.
  • Мой ридлист http://readlists.com/64223cf5.
  • some workarounds posted here: http://readlist.com/lists/gentoo.org/gentoo-user/18/94155.html. I need to get onto the gutsy kernel guys to fix this pronto!
  • Hi Everyone, This is the first in what I hope will be a continuing series of blogs describing monthly changes in the GNU Toolchain (gcc, binutils, newlib and possibly gdb as well).
  • It's getting marked as spam if I post the link, but you can find it on ao3.
  • . . Index : California Assemblywoman Sally Lieber discovered that Wal-Mart was encouraging its workers to apply for public assistance Fortune: Should We Admire...
  • I haven't read *all* of the comments, but I saw at least one mentioning a link to a "Catalyst in a box" proof-of-concept package as a solution to dependency issues.