• ratwell.com has a ton of links and information about his '78 Westfalia http://www.ratwell.com/.
  • ratwell.com has a ton of links and information about his '78 Westfalia http://www.ratwell.com/.
  • Trust me I hate this more than you do https://twitter.com/ratwell0x/status/1452070550201896962… This Tweet is unavailable.
  • Have an AI draw your username https:// twitter.com/ratwell0x/stat us/1469399458169434125  … pic.twitter.com/m7mynVUNKy.
  • tfw you link up with the whole squad @mewn21 @pewn21 @sewn21 @jewn21 pic.twitter.com/Uf1RODjDN6.
  • Website #ratwell.com is not mobile friendly yet!