• mikemcbrideonline.com Annalise describes a fairly typical situation, and what goes through our minds when we try to decide whether to say anything at work: "Let's take.
  • Taken from ProtectKids.com: pornography-A generic term that can refer to materials that are either "legal" or "illegal" to disseminate under the circumstances.
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  • (Link). И "борьба с педофилией" и "борьба с наркотиками" - те случаи, когда в системе возникает настолько сильная обратная связь, что она самовозбуждается и...
  • For that I apologize. http://www.protectkids.com/dangers/childaccess.htm.
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  • This comes from http://www.protectkids.com/dangers/onlinepred.htm. "Offline, pedophiles typically operate in isolation. Never before have pedophiles had the opportunity to...