• Предлагаю здесь обмениваться ссылками на сайты, галереи, форумы и все все все что связано с My Little Pony) Вношу свой небольшой вклад: www.hasbro.com..
  • You are fine to write or post whatever you want, just please if it contains a sue character I'd prefer not to be linked to it through some text.
  • alternicity - новый блог в Живом Журнале. Скоро здесь появится много интересных записей.
  • Here is a link to the best Mary Sue litmus test I've found on the web- because it actually scores it for you!
  • Though i took the test you linked and it gave me 35 (Borderline Sue), so either my memory is bad, this test is stricter, or I am admitting to more stueish traits than before.
  • (Link). с глюком сталкивался -- решил его установкой последней версии почтового клиента The Bat
  • For today's subject as I sit here bored as hell at work, I'm going to be touching on a subject that is near and not-so-dear to my soul: Mary-Sues and who in movies/books isn't one...