• After successfully paying off student loan debt much sooner than expected, I am very motivated to help others do the same with whatever debts they are facing!
  • Christian Personal Finance http://onemoneydesign.com/christian-personal-finance/#.US1yk2QpS3M.twitter… via @onemoneydesign.
  • Jen's latest post on inexpensive romantic ideas you'll love! http://onemoneydesign.com/inexpensive-romantic-ideas/…
  • I am the author of Mom Cents- a blog about Moms, finance, and kids. I am a Graduate student at the Univ. of Nevada Reno, obtaining my Masters in Accounting.
  • Emergency Fund Budgeting: Stop the 401K to Save for Emergencies? http://onemoneydesign.com/emergency-fund-budgeting/… via @onemoneydesign.
  • Why be normal when you can be happy? :)