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  • Свои проекты для рассмотрения и размещения на платформе можно направлять на почту CF@oar.ru.
  • Support this game on KickStarter! http://tinyurl.com/av9789l If £65k goal is reached this tech demo is going to be completely decrypted by the developers and we can expect...
  • Play the video below to see what they said: For more O.A.R. news, photos, and videos click here: http://msg.com/oar/.
  • AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I just watched their new MV and omg they are so hot Especially Hyukkie and Kyuhyun~ They look so manly~ It's weird how little each of them...
  • 05. http://i.imgur.com/oar00.jpg. Ответить. Развернуть.