• Оригинал взят у blazzer в Иммиграция в Канаду: требуются Грузчики, Мясники, Программисты, и еще 137 специальностей С 1 мая 2014 года, в знак солидарности с трудящимися всего мира, квоты на иммиграцию в Канаду увеличены (квоты...
  • 3) один год послешкольного образования (диплом или сертификат). http://news.gc.ca/web/article-en.do?nid=898719. Последние записи: БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ СЕРТИФИЦИРОВАННЫЙ ПЕРЕВОД ЗА ОТЗЫВ!
  • how to interpret their claim or offers, however it is important to understand that no legal action has been taken against you at this time and you are under no obligation to respond to their notice. We have included a few informational links below
  • If this type of authorization does not work for you, convert your account using the link.
  • Unfortunately, a few days after this group was announced an election was called, so the minister who is in charge of the group isn't answering any letters or e-mails because for all intents and purposes, she isn't the minister anymore. Here's the press release: http...
  • Here’s a link to an article about rape in Medieval England and France, if you have the stomach for it.