• National Elevator Industry Inc. (NEII) is the premier national trade association representing the building transportation industry.
  • NEII applauds its members and the IUEC for their ongoing commitment to #safety.
  • OaLaaaaaaaaah.... Neii Org Knp lage... Lead Org Kyk gag prh Lead cew ajj..
  • #SafetyMonth & #SafeDriving tips: More motor vehicle fatalities are linked to alcohol and drug use than any other cause.
  • Proudly serving NJ since 1974 with a proven track record of performance and reliability that will give you peace of mind knowing we’ll be there when you need us...
  • Married/ 2 daughters. Canucks and lions fan, Captain, golfer, fisher, gardener, and love animals. #TFB #TFR #TFBJP...