• хороший сайтик www.nautibitz.com/fic/ по баффиверсу, я эти фики в переводе не видела, кроме "Персик и травы", хотя там конечно NS-17 но не жуткое порево...
  • English, lawyer, aspiring writer. Spuffy 4EVA, it just is. Dogs are the centre of my world. Hockey is my happy #PHCFamily. LFC is in my heart.
  • I've been looking for Nautibitz's fic Older, and although it's still listed on her website the links don't work.
  • If this type of authorization does not work for you, convert your account using the link.
  • Against All Odds has multiple chapters at SR, if you want a more current link to Dusty's fic.
  • I apologize to the authors I didn't mention and invite everybody to contribute links to other great sites and stories about Buffy and Spike.
  • If this type of authorization does not work for you, convert your account using the link. ... BtVS, Spike/Buffy, In Heat by Nautibitz (Explicit).
  • I tried to get it off the link mentioned above last night, but not all the chapters listed there were available, and it sounds like there were a few other chapters never added to that site.
  • If this type of authorization does not work for you, convert your account using the link.
  • Вы поедете на бал? Я- непременно. Осталось лишь десять килограмм. Ну, или пятнадцать, как масть пойдет. А потом накуплю себе всякого красивого шмотья и...
  • I don't know of any that is specifically about LRRH, but I know of one that has Buffy dressing up as one and Spike being a wolf. Its called "Older" by NautiBitz and you can...
  • speaking of smutty fanfiction I remember back when I was like 13 and ~dizcuverin mah sexhuality~ I would read buffy fan fic on nautibitz.com and always had to switch out tabs...
  • And cause I'm still too stupid to put two LJ Cuts in the same post, here's another entry, with another list. Old Spuffy recs, fics that I like enough to have printed out and kept. If you've...