• Mythical Realm & Byron, MN. mythicalrealm.com.
  • Title: Always Author: lil_1337 Pairing/Characters: Mori + Honey (friendship and possibly more depending on your fan goggles) Rating: PG-13 Word count: 669 Warnings/Kinks...
  • frozen930flame - новый блог в Живом Журнале. Скоро здесь появится много интересных записей.
  • Title: Sandcastles for Pele (part 4 of 4) Author: JL (formerly JaimeLyn) Rating: PG-13 Category: post IWTB, MSR Disclaimer: Apparently, I'm allowed to play with them but I...
  • another odd dream, but there is a bit of a theme forming here of alternative human species. Also riding about on horseback with Helen. In this one, I encountered a bunch of mutant...