• Подробнее о системе сертификации MSPA North America можно узнать на сайте www.mysteryshop.org/shoppers/certification.php Европейское и азиатское отделение...
  • Mystery Shopping Company with clients and shoppers worldwide.
  • 2508 EG The Hague, Netherlands Tel (31) 70 358 73 71. Email: europe@mysteryshop.org WEB: www.mysteryshop.org/europe.
  • An online ad for mystery shopping caught my eye. It sounds interesting seeing as how I have 5 weeks to kill before returning to school and I could really use some money.
  • Mystery shoppers: http://mysteryshop.org/ This place verifies legit mystery shopper programs.
  • A good place to start is Volition.com or Mysteryshop.org, the Web site for the Mystery Shopping Providers Association.
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