• Author, Apple Distinguished Educator, Teacher, ETFO AQ Instructor and cancer survivor who loves collaborating, using technology & teaching. Windsor, Ontario. mrswideen.com.
  • This is Mr. Wideen's classroom Twitter feed used to connect with other classrooms around the world and learn from one another.
  • This is a classroom Twitter feed used to tell the community about the fantastic learning at my school. Connect with my class @mrwideensclass.
  • This is our grade 2/3 class' Twitter feed used to tell the community about the fantastic things we are doing at school.
  • http://mrswideen.com/2015/02/introducing-seven-year-olds-to-coding.html?m=1… #koodaaminen #koodi2016 #ohjelmointi #opehommat #opetus.
  • Authentic Audience http://mrswideen.com/2013/10/connecting-curriculum-to-authentic.html …