• Click to Follow Manpower_US. ... His supervisor states, “We have had several people in that position but they did not come close to doing what he has done.
  • Она должна давать мп, или у слов gives us manpower of the enemy troops which fell in battle есть другое значение?
  • Dear THWG community, as already announced, the THWG platform is used internally already daily and constantly optimized, so that it is already fully functional today and is... |
  • Carver is - should have been only Class B, and with our shortage of manpower we can't afford the sort of manhunt it would take to track him down.
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  • The Congress enacted legislature that gave the president authority to mobilize and organize the US manpower and productive capability.
  • But, his mind said, We've got three Horsemen of Apocalypse in Utopia and the two Scott most trusts are always missing when we need all the manpower we can keep..