• liveearth.org/?p=304. (468x300, 44Kb). Напоминаем, что новая дата выхода сборника под названием «Live Earth - The Concerts for a Climate in Crisis» - 4 декабря 2007 года.
  • Just to show you how well Tisdale handles herself, check out THIS radio podcast (I don't own, nor am I associated with this radio station in ANY way or form). If that link doesn't...
  • Просмотр поста в дневнике — Rhythm of the Rain...
  • What if the 2000 presidential election was wrong and Al Gore did become president? His son, Al the Third, would have been watched closer by the media and the secret service.
  • If you find any more links that relate to our lessons, post it here for everyone to see too.
  • ] <embed src="http://cache.liveearth.org/live/supporter.swf" quality="high" wmode="transparent" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="180" height="180" name="supporter" align...
  • Go to liveearth.org to see their concert schedule, watch the show (you can watch whichever venue you want, or watch the world feed), and pledge to adopt those small...
  • Link: The LONG Scientific Personality Test written by unpretentious2 on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test.
  • I just found this blog called "Moscow Through Brown Eyes" and here is a link to one of his postings