• 100% Smearproof Cosmetics Natural, Organic, Vegan & Kosher Ingredients for a Healthy Lifestyle Handcrafted in California, Est.
  • Всех интересует как добиться очень бледной кожи как у Диты, а кто заморачивался супер-стойкой красной помадой? Дита в своей книге говорит про лип инк,..
  • (Link). Wow, thats interesting that a woman consumes over 4 to 9 lbs of lipstick in her lifetime!
  • veganguide - новый блог в Живом Журнале. Скоро здесь появится много интересных записей.
  • But did you know that a woman consumes over 4 to 9 lbs of lipstick in her lifetime! Here is the link that I found that shows all of the research: http...
  • Ugh. Have just used Crest Whitening strips for the first time and my mouth (and lips) taste terrible. Kind of like toothpaste and candy floss mixed together. But my teeth look...
  • (Link). Wow, thats interesting that a woman consumes over 4 to 9 lbs of lipstick in her lifetime!