• Dr. Patrick Asingo: The only way to reduce corruption is to weaken the link between politics & business.
  • to update the public on the progress of the #KEMSACovid19 procurement probe. https://tikenya.org/kenyans-demand-covid-19-kemsa-probe-update-and-action/…
  • to update the public on the progress of the #KEMSACovid19 procurement probe. https://tikenya.org/kenyans-demand-covid-19-kemsa-probe-update-and-action/…
  • CRAI website is a resource for all those working to ensure the right to nationality and the eradication of statelessness in Africa.
  • Fun to be around, value community service and organization, human rights, fairness and equality...
  • Kenyans turn up in their hundreds to mark global climate strike and demand President Uhuru honor the pledge to transition to 100% renewable energy by 2020...