• The King County Democrats work to create opportunity and equality in Martin Luther King Jr. County, Washington State's most populous jurisdiction.
  • Hip-Hop/Spoken Word Artist, Activist, Historian, Philosopher, Speaking Truth to Power, Acting on my Convictions. https://t.co/HX1BNBlK7U #BlackLivesMatter...
  • Mom of 3, Bulldog Wrangler, Cat Manager, Chair of King County Democrats, prev. 37th LD Dems Chair, prev. 2nd VC KCDems.
  • I have been shared a link to a bail fund for the people arrested in Montana today for making their voices heard on behalf of their elected representative, Rep Zephyr...
  • Check-out endorsements from the King County Democrats in 111 races from City Councils to Mayors to Water Commissioners: https://kcdems.org/our-party/e/2021-endorsements/…
  • Hope, change a better tomorrow ~ it can happen in 2016. We are 861,000-plus in Washington State. Join us to connect, communicate and activate Latino voters.