• Email ACofer@JohnsonU.edu to RSVP and receive a link.
  • If you have pictures, send them to Philip Eubanks at PEubanks@JohnsonU.edu, with a description of what's happening in the picture.
  • Official Twitter of Johnson University(TN) Softball * NAIA * Appalachian Athletic Conference * Head Coach Dayna Carter email:dcarter@johnsonu.edu @daynacarter5.
  • Hello Johnson Students! If you haven't had cash to put in the buckets you can donate online at the link below! https...
  • Official Twitter of Johnson University(TN) Softball * NAIA * Appalachian Athletic Conference * Head Coach Dayna Carter email:dcarter@johnsonu.edu @daynacarter5.
  • @Go2JUTN sends teams out to camps in order to recruit potential students who are interested in vocational ministry and passionate about Christ.